Homer L. Twigg IV

Investigating the Mezzocosm

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Category: adventure

Flying Lotus Echostage Concert Review

Our captain Flying Lotus has been watching a lot of movies. He came out strong last night and gave the audience a powerful show with a mental echo which lasted for hours. The Echostage venue was not densely packed, and it should have been. We were handed glasses when we came in. The set featured […]

Nobody Knows What Lies Beneath New York City

Subterranean cartographers are bringing to light the dark, tangled truths buried under the streets.   Greg Milner manages to make sewer talk really…riveting. Refreshingly good journalism. Didn’t read the combox (is there a combox? I quit those for Lent a few years ago and haven’t seen one since) but I invent combox arguments all the […]

Rugby Practice

Radio Silence Broken Revisited

What newlyweds and vagabonds have in common is their proclivity to fall off the map—for leisure, for space to breathe without judgment, for peace. Their simplicity of presence alludes to prior months of twists and turns, sleepless nights, and good stories. Everyone who meets them sees the tales in their eyes. In the past 24 […]

Brookland Round we Go

13 mile bike route I am going to try once my papers are done. Does anyone know if there are rides to/from purcelville? Google Map The idea is to hit the points: [start] 18th & Monroe Metropolitan Trail R St. all the way to Mass. Ave, then North on Rockcreek Pkwy to Beach Road, then […]

Capital Bikeways – Maps for Bicycling in the Capital region of D.C., Maryland, and Virginia

Capital Bikeways – Maps for Bicycling in the Capital region of D.C., Maryland, and Virginia. Finally, a map with almost perfectly up-to-date info about all the places one can bike in DC. I had no idea I couldn’t be on the sidewalk in the commercial district…

Bike Route: Vienna – Chinatown – Brookland

Went out for a glorious bike ride today. The weather was perfect and the only downside was that there was a lot of people out on the trails. I took the B & O D trail from Vienna until I hit the Custis trail. Then I took that to the bridge, went through Georgetown along […]

Washington vs. 49ers

Route october 22nd