Bike Route: Vienna – Chinatown – Brookland

by homer

Went out for a glorious bike ride today. The weather was perfect and the only downside was that there was a lot of people out on the trails. I took the B & O D trail from Vienna until I hit the Custis trail. Then I took that to the bridge, went through Georgetown along H St. After grabbing some spicy Thai rice w/ extra goodness, I made my way over to St. Mary’s, only to find out that there was no mass at 7pm. Bummer. So I got out of my tie and slacks, back into my sweaty hoodie, and went the rest of the way home. My heart breaks because I really like the Epiphany, but I am buzzing with energy as the ride was the sort of chakra-untangling I needed. Or something.

Any way, happy feast day.