Homer L. Twigg IV

Investigating the Mezzocosm

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The philosophy behind this extra 60/year is that if you figure it out, it undoes road rage.


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DIY VR Headset

DC Row House Development

#rowhouse #development in #hyattsville #maryland #savethetrees #savethebricks A post shared by Homer Twigg (@homerltwiggiv) on Mar 28, 2018 at 12:41pm PDT

He took ā€œPolycarpā€ since Homer and Lee are pagan. So. Saint Homer Lee Polycarp Twigg V. Then yā€™alls kids can use Homer as a saintā€™s name.

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A thousand answers to my problems sit behind those eyes.

Animal testing lab freed by hyper intelligent species of baboons

Animal testing lab freed by hyper intelligent species of baboons #12monkeys #twelvemonkeys #duplos #paternity #snowday #snowdaze A post shared by Homer Twigg (@homerltwiggiv) on Mar 21, 2018 at 12:26pm PDT

Bachelors: give me 30 seconds.

I am living proof and testament that you can have a ton of kids, right away, without a clue, on 50k/year, in an overpriced city, and STILL not sacrifice a life of PLAY. In fact, I have to try harder to make room for play than I try to work, mostly because I donā€™t mind […]

Makin’ Do Dollhouse

Girls: can we have a dollhouse? Me: yes, but it has to have an industrial kitchen, above-ground cellar and a hostel in the attic. And a chase scene. Girls: deal. #duplo #lego #PlayAllDay #mmdt A post shared by Homer Twigg (@homerltwiggiv) on Jan 20, 2018 at 6:26am PST  


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Does this count as trolling? šŸ§ #V

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Adorientem Snacking / Liturgical Potty-training #nofilter

Miriam drew it during Mass and Karate Jesus giving this kid the business ruined any chance of me thinking like an adult today. Hope you #giggle like me

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#acts2 @franciscus #marchforlife

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I bet you your wife makes good food too.

But does your wifeā€™s cooking make you contemplate quitting your job and taking out a loan to start a restaurant centered around #cauliflower because the soup is so #? #foodporn #soup #garnishes #idontevenlikecauliflower #snowday A post shared by Homer Twigg (@homerltwiggiv) on Jan 4, 2018 at 10:39am PST via Instagram

DC Strip Mall

#dc #strip #mall A post shared by Homer Twigg (@homerltwiggiv) on Jan 2, 2018 at 8:07pm PST  

Funniest license plate Iā€™ve ever risked my life to get a pic of. Youā€™re welcome. #dude #ufoos #DooDooDooDoo

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You can keep your white linens and sad šŸ„— and give us an evening of ribs. #noplates #hotdates #coolerthan #iceskates #dontworry #scotchisfordaddy #ribs #grants #feels

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In the šŸ”¬doing post-production… #staytuned

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@eastonawesome ask Mark: Iā€™ll pick locks to steal good art. Shout out to @waze for the route options!

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How Iā€™m feeling about Christmas rn.

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Got this in my mail yesterday. Kids catalog of homeschooly toys. #swurfer #whatweretheythinking

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#boo . . . . . #monstersinc

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Wabash service project in DC

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Name everything in my cornucopia and Iā€™ll give you some bitcoin. Scientific names. GO

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