Animal testing lab freed by hyper intelligent species of baboons #12monkeys #twelvemonkeys #duplos #paternity #snowday #snowdaze A post shared by Homer Twigg (@homerltwiggiv) on Mar 21, 2018 at 12:26pm PDT
I am living proof and testament that you can have a ton of kids, right away, without a clue, on 50k/year, in an overpriced city, and STILL not sacrifice a life of PLAY. In fact, I have to try harder to make room for play than I try to work, mostly because I don’t mind […]
But does your wife’s cooking make you contemplate quitting your job and taking out a loan to start a restaurant centered around #cauliflower because the soup is so #? #foodporn #soup #garnishes #idontevenlikecauliflower #snowday A post shared by Homer Twigg (@homerltwiggiv) on Jan 4, 2018 at 10:39am PST via Instagram
#dc #strip #mall A post shared by Homer Twigg (@homerltwiggiv) on Jan 2, 2018 at 8:07pm PST