Homer L. Twigg IV

Investigating the Mezzocosm

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Category: The Odyssey Project

What do ancient Greek poet Homer and today’s hip-hop artists have in common?

From the Brookland Listserv: More than you might think. Find out by coming to hear Brett Rogers discuss From Homer to Hip-Hop at the Watha T. Daniel Library this Wednesday at 7 PM.  Participants will discuss how Homer and various Greek poets are, despite their distance in history, very similar to all sorts of modern storytellers and […]

Interview with the NHM

The National Hellenic Museum thought this project to be important enough to interview me for, and I’m not telling them how foolish they are! Nevertheless, I’ve below are my responses. If you haven’t done so yet, go check out the museum page here. Homer, tell us your inspiration behind the ‘Hip Hop Odyssey’. What made […]

Diachronic Mix

Shout outs to two mic and a kit, mudkids, yannick aka Jazzmen and others who have had nice things to say recently. Freshly mastered by soliq. It sounds pristine. Leave a message if you want a custom stamped and printed CD mailed to your doorstep. Full Time Funk #8: Diachronic Mix

An explanation

Here are a few pointers I gave out to my boy Rich Jones after he made the decision to get involved with this beast of a project. These guidelines apply to all the tracks. In the future, I’ll lay this all out on a FAQ, once I figure out how to make a FAQ while […]

Untitled Waste Mix

Dear Blog, My brain is about to explode from the unfinished product and irons in the fire. Therefore, rather than finishing any of them, I’m throwing them all together into one giant crapfest of beats: Untitled Waste Mix <3

Book IIX + Busta Rhymes

Note: I dropped the lyrics to demonstrate syllable placement. Nobody does it like bus. But–and let me be very explicit in a different way–content like this will NOT be on the cd. Note #2: Busta Rhymes: Please rap book IIX for me. “In time, when hunger and thirst were turned away, the Muse brought to […]

New Beat: Book XII

‘So far so good,’ said she, when I had ended my story, ‘and now pay attention to what I am about to tell you- heaven itself, indeed, will recall it to your recollection. First you will come to the Sirens who enchant all who come near them. If any one unwarily draws in too close […]

Moving in

Well, this is the beginning of a long series of headaches and geeking out. This will be the home of frequent musings about the trip — short, simple and informative. It will also be the home of update reporting on the odyssey project and development. I’ve got something like 600gb worth of samples to move […]